Term Conditions Page

According to the Information Technology Act of 2000 and any applicable rules, as well as the provisions of multiple statutes that have been updated to reflect the Information Technology Act's amendments, this document is a digital record. There are neither physical nor digital signatures necessary for this electronic record as it has been produced by a computer system.


This document has been published in compliance with the requirements of Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011, which mandates the publication of the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and rules for accessing or using the website located at[www.riseincity.com] (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform"), as well as any associated mobile web and mobile apps.

The Platform is owned by Rise In City Holistic (RICH), a business registered under the Partnership Act 1932, with registered office at 1st floor, Vrajbhumi Complex, Opp. G.E. Board, Shamlaji Road, Modasa- 383315, Dist-Arvalli, (Gujrat). The following terms and conditions ("Terms of Use") as they apply to the Platform, including the appropriate policies that are incorporated herein by reference, govern your use of the Platform and its services and tools. You will be governed or regulated by the policies that apply to the gateway for that particular transaction if you use the gateway to operate business. You will sign a contract with RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC just by using the Platform, and these terms and conditions, along with the guidelines, will deliver all your legally binding duties to RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC

Any individual or legal person who has accepted to become a buyer on the Platform by giving Registration Data while signing on the Platform as a Registered User using the computer systems is referred to as a "You" or "User" for the purposes of these Terms of Use, if the context so requires. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC permits users to navigate the platform or make purchases without first logging in. We and Us refer to RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC

The rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions that adhere to each service will be deemed to be incorporated into and considered a part of this Terms of Use when You use any of the services offered by Us through the Platform, including but not limited to (e.g., Product Reviews, Seller Reviews). We hold the right to alter, amend, add, or remove any part of these Terms of Use at any time without providing You prior written notice. It is Your obligation to routinely check these Terms of Use for modifications or revisions. You will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to the updates if you continue to use the Platform after they have been posted. We allow You a limited, non-exclusive, personal right to access and use the Platform as long as You comply by these Terms of Use.

1.        Personal Details of Users:


If you use the Platform, you're in responsible for keeping your Display Name and Password private and secure, and you're also in charge of any actions taken using those credentials. You accept that We have the right to prohibit access to your membership on the Platform or suspend it indefinitely if You provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, out of date, or incomplete.


Assuming that-


·      When your password or account is used without your permission or is compromised, you must immediately notify RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC


·         After each session, make sure to log out of your account.



2.        Service Provided –


Through the Platform, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC offers a number of Web services. One such service lets users to buy unique goods from different fashion and lifestyle brands, including apparel, footwear, and accessories (collectively, "Products"). Through the Platform, consumers can select the Products using one of the many available payment options. Specific sales policies, such as cancellation, exchange, and return policies, shall also apply to the sale and purchase of the Products (which are found on the FAQ tab on the Platform and all of which are incorporated here by reference).  It is stated clearly that users must authenticate (by checking a box and completing a return request) that the item being returned is unopened and still has its original tags on. The user's return request shall be rejected, and the aforementioned goods shall be re-shipped back to the client if the returned item is used, damaged, or if the original tags are missing. The user will not be eligible for a refund if the return request is rejected, and RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC will not be held responsible in this situation.


3.        Platform for Transaction & Communication –

In addition to do their operation on the Platform, the Users use to connect and interact with one another. Any transaction involving RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC users is not and cannot be controlled in any manner by RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC. Henceforward:

·         The only entity offering and accepting to any commercial or contractual conditions are the buyers and the sellers. The pricing, shipping costs, payment methods, payment terms, date, period, and mode of delivery, warranties connected to products and services, and after-sale services associated to products and services are only a few instances of the commercial/contractual terms. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC has no control on, doesn't choose, doesn't counsel, and doesn't participate in any way in the offering or acceptance of these commercial or contractual terms between the Buyers and Sellers.

·         RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC makes no claims or warranties about the specifics (such as the caliber, worth, marketability, etc.) of the goods or services which are suggested for sale, offered for sale, or being acquired on the platform.

·         Any breach or non-performance of a contract made between Buyers and Sellers is not the obligation of RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is unable to and does not guarantee that any transaction entered into on the Platform will be carried out by the relevant Buyers and/or Sellers.

·         A contract entered into between buyers and sellers does not at any stage grant RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC any right, title, or interest in the products, and RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC has no duty to uphold the terms of that contract.

·         RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is merely a platform that users can use to promote their goods and services to a wider audience. The agreement is that the contract for the sale of any goods or services shall be a strictly bilateral transaction between the Seller and the Buyer and that RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is simply giving a platform for communication. No rights, titles, or interests in the products were ever held by RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC, and the company has no duties or liabilities related to the deal. Poor or delayed service delivery, as well as damages or delays brought on by out-of-stock, unavailable, or backordered goods, are not RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC fault.

·         If a technical issue, typographical error, or improper product information is to blame for the pricing on any product(s) displayed on the Platform, the seller could choose to cancel your order(s).

·         You explicitly waive any claims you may have in this respect under any applicable legislation and release and indemnify RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC and/or any of its officers and representatives from any cost, damage, liability, or other result of any User's activities on RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC. Despite its best efforts, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC does not assume responsibility for or exercise any control over the information given by other Users and publicly disclosed on the Platform.


4.     User’s Rule & Conduct –

ü  You acknowledge, accept, and certify that the following laws and regulations will be carefully enforced in how you use the platform:

ü  You are not permitted to host, display, upload, change, publish, transmit, update, or circulate any information that:

ü  You have no right to own because it pertains to someone else.

ü   Is highly hazardous, harassing, disrespectful, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, libelous, breaching another person's privacy, undesirable on the based-on race or ethnicity, insulting, referring to or supporting money laundering or gambling, or otherwise illegal in a violates or breaches on the rights of any third party, including but not limited to those of intellectual property, privacy (including but not limited to the unauthorized publication of a name of an individual, email address, residential address, or phone number), or publicity.

ü  includes pages that need a password for access, concealed pages, or images (those not linked to or from another accessible page)


ü  Includes instructions on how to indulge in unlawful behavior, such as developing or acquiring illegal weapons, breaching the privacy of others, or producing or spreading computer viruses.

ü  contains images, video, or photographs of someone else (with a minor or an adult).in any way.

ü  Is in any way deceptive.

ü  Involves delivering "spam mail," "chain letters," or unsolicited bulk mail or "spamming."

ü  Promotes illegal activity or behavior that is violent, threatening, pornographic, libelous, abusive, or defamatory. 

ü  Violates or breaches on the rights of any third party, including but not limited to those of intellectual property, privacy (including but not limited to the unauthorized publication of a person's name, email address, physical address, or phone number), or publicity.

ü  Includes pages that need a password for access, concealed pages, or images (those not      linked to or from another accessible page)

ü  Includes instructions on how to indulge in unlawful behavior, such as developing or acquiring illegal weapons, breaching the privacy of others, or producing or spreading computer viruses.

ü  Contains images, video, or photographs of someone else (with a minor or an adult).

ü  adversely affects India's unity, dignity, defense, security, or autonomy, as well as its friendly relations with other nations and its ability to maintain order in the country. It also encourages the commission of crimes that are punishable by law, obscures the investigation of crimes, or disparages other countries.

ü  shall not be untrue, wrong, or dishonest

ü  shall not subject Us to liability or result in the loss of Our ISPs' or other suppliers' services either completely or partially.


·         If any of the following requirements are met, a User may be regarded as fraudulent or as directly causing loss to business due to fraudulent activity:


·         Users are unable to respond to RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC payment verification email.


·         During the payment information verification, users fail to submit sufficient documentation.


·         Misuse of a user's email address or phone number.


·         The user's address, email, and phone number are incorrect.


·         Misuse of a discount code


·         Using a special coupon that isn't associated with the email address utilized.


·         Customers return the wrong item.


·         Users reject an order's cash


·         Individuals engaged in the snatching and running of any order.


·         Any such actions taken with the express intention of jeopardizing RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC business or revenue.


·         A user who makes too many returns


·         Repeatedly asking for money to make up for the false or used order.


·         Any order that fulfills the requirements for "Bulk Orders" or "Fraud Orders" may be cancelled by RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC at any time before the product is delivered. If an order satisfies the following requirements as well as any extra requirements established by RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC, it may be categorized as a "Bulk Order" or "Fraud Order."


·         Ordered goods are planned for commercial resale rather than personal consumption.


·   Depending upon the product category, various orders for the same items were placed at the same address.


·         Orders for huge volumes of the same product


·                  Order data contain an incorrect address.


·Any unethical conduct when placing the order.

 ·   No refunds or reimbursement will be given for promotional coupons used to make "Bulk Orders."


·   Any order timed utilizing a flaw or gap in technology.


·         Between sellers and business customers, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC does not support business to business transactions. If you want to earn from input tax credit, you are advised not to conduct any transactions on the platform.


·         You must resist from using the Platform for any unethical or dishonest activities that could disturb others, violate business policies, interrupt the use of RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC by other users, or otherwise harm their experience.


·      You must not share various addresses and phone numbers, claim to be someone else or something else, or otherwise mislead RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC when conducting business.


·      We even provide our users the opportunity to freely share opinions and observations about their interest in the fashion industry on specific landing pages, including "viewing user generated material" and/or "making comments." You understand and agree to the policies outlined in these "Rules of Service" and "Privacy Policies" as well as any other terms imposed by RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC on the Platform by accessing, reading, and/or publishing any user-generated content to any specific dedicated page on the Platform. You understand and agree that you will not copy, harass, abuse, or otherwise violate any of the "Terms of Service" of the Platform while accessing, viewing, or uploading any user-generated content on these sites.


·   You may not access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of the Platform or any Content through the use of any "deep link," "page-scrape," "robot," "spider," or other input, programmed, method, or technique, or through the use of any similar or equivalent manual process, in any way reproduce or work around the Platform's or any Content's navigational structure or presentation, or attempt to do so. We keep the option to prohibit any such conduct.


·         By hacking, password "mining," or any other illicit activity, you shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part or feature of the Platform, or to any other systems or networks connected to the Portal, or to any server, computer, network, or to any of the services provided on or through the Portal.


·         You are not permitted to represent any other person or entity, pretend to be someone else, or act on their behalf.


·         You must always ensure full adherence to all relevant domestic laws, rules, and regulations (including any applicable Exchange Control Laws or Regulations in Force), international laws, foreign exchange laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations (including, but not limited to, sales tax/VAT, income tax, etc.), as well as any applicable domestic rules, laws, and regulations. You must also not carry out any transactions for goods or services that are outside the terms of any applicable laws, including any exchange rate control laws or regulations.


·         You will frequently be in charge of marketing information about the goods or services you plan to sell. You promise that all of this information will be true and accurate in every way. You must not oversell or vastly overstate the benefits of such goods or services in order to deceive other Users in any way.


·         You are not permitted to market to or promote the purchase of any goods or services from other Platform Users, including but not restricted to those associated with us or those listed on the Platform.


·         The views expressed in the Content do not always match with those of RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC shall under no circumstances be liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, or other consequences arising out of the use of, or appearance of, any posted Content on the Platform. You hereby represent and warrant that you own all of the legal rights to the Content you provide, and the information contained within it, and that the Content does not violate the intellectual property or other rights of any party, nor does it comprise any libelous, intentional torts, or otherwise illegal material.


·         RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC therefore disclaims any promises of accuracy about the final Product's quality, look, size, color, etc. as ordered by the User. You have the choice to return or replace items you've placed on RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC during the return/exchange period. (Please see the product pages page to discover how many days after delivery a product can be returned/exchanged.)



·         As mentioned in the Terms of Use under clause 4. User Conduct and Rules on the Platform, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC reserves the right to unilaterally terminate Your account at any time. In such situations, any RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC credits acquired through goodwill compensation, loyalty or referral programs, promotion strategy, or gift cards bought on other platforms will be lost.


5.        Content Posted on Platform



As RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is only operating as a mediator for the purposes of such Terms of Use, all text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, pictures, trademarks, logos, (collectively, "Content") are third party user contributed content. You hereby grant Us the worldwide, irrevocable, and transferable rights in and to such Content, which shall become Our property. We shall be allowed to use the Content or any of its components for any type of use forever, including but not limited to marketing and promotional purposes and in any media whether now known or hereafter established, consistent with Our Privacy Policy as accepted in accordance with applicable law, including the creation of derivative works which may include the Content You provide.


Information on the products and services that has been made accessible on the platform for downloading can be used by you, provided that you


·         Kindly leave all copies of such documents with the proprietary notice language intact.


·         Use such information only for personal, non-commercial additional information; do not replicate, post, or transmit it in any way on a networked computer as well as other media.


·         Prohibit from modifying any such information, and


·         Do not provide any extra promises or warranties in relation to such publications.


6.       Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

Except as otherwise stated in written form, all information, files, products, and services (including but not limited to software) included for the or otherwise made accessible to You through Platform are provided "and so is" and "as available" without any interpretations or warranties, either explicit or implied. Without limiting the aforementioned statement, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC does not guarantee that: Platform will always be accessible, or that it will be available at all; or that the information on Platform is exhaustive, true, accurate, or not deceptive.

Each Product sold on the Platform is subject to the laws of the state in which it is purchased, and if the seller is unable to deliver a product because of the effects of a different state's law, the seller will refund or credit the amount (if any) that was in advance from the sale of the product that was unable to be delivered to the customer. A working phone number must be entered while placing an order on the Platform. By giving us permission to contact you by phone and/or SMS when there are any updates regarding your order, shipment, or delivery, you give us permission to contact you at that number. We won't make any marketing phone calls or SMS using your personal information.


7.     Selling


In line with the Policies, which are incorporated by reference in these Terms of Use, you are authorized to put item(s) for sale on the Platform as a registered seller. The item(s) you put for sale on the Platform must be able to be sold legally by you. You must make sure that none of the things on the list violate someone else's intellectual property rights, trade secrets, other proprietary rights, or legal protections of publicity or privacy. Only text descriptions of your goods for sale, graphics, and images are permitted in listings. On the Platform, each item must be placed in the relevant category.


You promise to refund any money you may have received from the Buyer if the product description differs from its actual state. You consent to not listing the same product on the Platform more than one time in different quantities. You may not list the same product more than once in the same category on RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC, and RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC has the right to do so.


We might provide you modification services for the clothes you buy from us, but only for changes to length and waist size. The cost of this service is nothing, and you won't be charged anything for the adjustment. However, a small cost (including of service tax) will be charged as a convenience fee for pick-up and delivery of the clothing or for a tailor visit as specified by RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC at the time the alteration request is made (wherever applicable).


8.           E Platform for Communication

You accept, agree, and comply that RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is an online marketplace that enables you to buy products featured on the site at the quoted price whenever you choose. Furthermore, you accept and recognize that RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is simply a mediator and cannot be a party to or in any way exert control over any transactions on RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC


9.        Indemnity


You agree to defend, reimburses, and agree to indemnify RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC, its owner, licensee, affiliates, subsidiaries, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees from any claim or demand, or actions, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed as a direct consequence of or arising from Your violation of this Terms of Use, privacy policy, and other Policies, or Your violation of any law, rule, or regulation, or the rights (including intellectual property rights).


10.     Copyright, Trademark, Restriction


RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC administers and runs the platform, and the appropriate Sellers sell the products. All content on Platform is covered by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights, including pictures, graphics, audio clips, and video clips. You may only use the content on RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC a for personal, non-commercial purposes. Such material may not be copied, reproduced, reprinted, uploaded, displayed, transmitted, or distributed in any manner, including via email or other electronic methods, whether directly or indirectly. Additionally, you may not help another person to do so. Modification of the materials, use of the materials on any other RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC or computer networks habitat, or using the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use are all prohibited without the owner's prior written consent and constitute contraventions of copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights. For the purposes of this provision, a commercial use is any use for which You acquire payment, whether in cash or another form. It is stated explicitly that any content that you give or upload when using any Service, including any text, data, information, pictures, photographs, music, sound, video, or other material that you may upload, transmit, or store, will remain your property and that you alone are responsible for it. However, you agree to grant Us a royalty-free, unrestricted, permanent, worldwide right to utilize any content you post for a legal business purpose. We are entitled to use or reproduce any content you upload.


11.     Limitation of Liability


RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC will not be considered accountable for any indirect, excessive, accidental, special, consequential, or any consequences that might arise from:


·         the utilization of, or unwillingness to utilize, the Services or Products


·         Unauthorized viewing or tampering with the user's communications or data


·         infringement of a condition, representation, or assurance made by the products' manufacturer.


·         any other issue affecting the services, includes, without restriction, damages as a result of use, data, or profits, resulting from or associated in any way with the use or operation of the platform or service. If access to the RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is accidentally suspended or unavailable during routine maintenance operations, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC will not be held liable. The User acknowledges and agrees that any content and/or data downloaded from RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is totally at the User's own initiative and risk, and that they are solely responsible for any harm to their mobile device or data loss arising from such content and/or data uploads. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC obligation shall be restricted to an amount equal to the value of the Products acquired by You, to the maximum extent allowed by law. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is not responsible for any disagreements or conflicts between Users.


12.     Termination


If RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC determines, in its sole and complete discretion, that you have violated, infringed, misused, manipulated, or unethically exploited or leveraged any term of these Terms of Service or otherwise acted unethically, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC may suspend or discontinue your use of RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC or any Service. Irrespective of everything else listed in this section, these Terms of Service are perpetual unless and until RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC decides to end agreement.


·         In the event that you or RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC discontinue using the Portal or any Service, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC may delete any information or other materials associated with your use of the Service without bearing any liability to you or any third parties. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC, however, may keep a record of your transactions for tax or compliance related requirements.


·         According to the terms of service, point no. 4, "User Conduct and Rules on the System," RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC has the power to unilaterally terminate Your account at any time. Any RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC credits earned as goodwill compensation, through loyalty, referral, or promotional programs, or via the use of gift cards bought on other platforms will be lost in such circumstances. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC will have the complete discretion over returns and refunds for such Users.



·         RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC retains the right to deny access to the portal and terminate accounts, including any linked accounts, without prior notification if you use any false e-mail addresses, use the portal for any illegal or fraudulent purposes that may cause annoyance and inconvenience, violate any company policies, or misguide RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC by major feature address and phone numbers.


13.      Jurisdictional Issues

Unless otherwise stated, the content on the Platform is only provided for sale in India. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC makes no claims that the Platform's components are suitable for usage outside of India or that they are even available there. RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is not accountable for the delivery of products or refund for the products ordered from other locations or Countries other than India, compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. Those who choose to reach the Gateway from other locations or Countries other than India do so on their own venture.


14.     Governing law


Conflicts arising in relation to these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts, tribunals, and relevant authorities at Modasa. These terms shall be regulated and construed in compliance with applicable laws of India without consideration to conflict of laws principles. Modasa shall be the sole site of jurisdiction.


15.     Seller Contact Information


Through the use of the aforementioned dispute resolution tools and procedures, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC is dedicated to ensuring that conflicts among Sellers and Buyers are resolved amicably. On the other hand, if You want to get in touch with RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC about the seller, you can do so by clicking on their name on the product listing pages. You can also  call customer service at 9726663028 as an alternative.



16.     Disclaimer

You agree to use your best and most careful judgement before indulging in any transactions through RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC, and you accept that you are doing so at your own responsibility. You can browse the Platform's services at your own hazard. We explicitly disclaim all obligation and responsibility in this regard and accept that we shall not be held liable or accountable for any acts or errors on the part of sellers or for any breach of the conditions, representations, or warranties made by the manufacturers of the items. Any problem or disagreement between You and the goods sellers or makers is not an issue that we will mediate or settle. In furthermore, we expressly disclaim any express or implied warranties or representations pertaining to the quality, viability, accurateness, consistency, conciseness, promptness, effectiveness, wellbeing, parole evidence, fitness for a specific purpose, or integrity of the products listed, presented, or exchanged, or the composition (including product or pricing information and/or specifications) on Platform. Although we have taken steps to prevent content errors, this website, its content, information, technology, goods, applications, and related visuals are provided "as is" and without any guarantees of any kind. In no case shall RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC acquire any right, title, or interest in the goods sold or shown on the platform, nor should RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC be subject to any responsibilities or liabilities in connection with any transactions on the platform. Delivery-Related - The User recognizes and acknowledges that RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC must be notified of any claims regarding order delivery (including non-receipt/non-delivery of order or signature verification) within 5 days of the alleged date of delivery of the product as it appears on the RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC portal. In the event that You fail to notify the sender of non-receipt or non-delivery within the allotted time frame, the transaction will be assumed to have been delivered. After 5 days from the purported date of delivery of the product reflecting on the RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC portal, RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC denies any obligation or obligation for claims regarding non-delivery, non-receipt of order (including signature verification in evidence of delivery).


17.     Cart Notification

You acknowledge that RISE IN CITY HOLISTIC offers you the option to choose a product from another seller in your cart if the products you've selected are out of stock. you accept that the price of the product from another seller may fluctuate.



18.     Multiple Seller

You are notified that several vendors may offer products in a given style on the Platform, and that the price listed for a product there may not always be the lowest offered for that style. This is because a range of criteria, including more than just price, are applied when choosing the seller whose price is displayed on the list page. The price provided by each seller on the Platform for the relevant style will be available to you once you arrive at the product information page for that style on the Platform.



19.     Grievance Officer

In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under and the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:   

Mr. Rakesh Joshi

Rise In City Holistic (RICH) 

1st floor, Vrajbhumi Complex, Opp. G.E.Board, Shamlaji Road,

 Modasa- 383315, Dist-Arvalli. (Gujrat).


Phone: 9726663028

Time: Mon - Sat (9:00 - 19:00)







1.        Online store terms

You agree that you are at least the majority age in your state or jurisdiction of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence and you have given us approval to let any of your minor dependents to use this site, by consenting to these Conditions of Service.


You are not permitted to use our products for any improper or prohibited purposes, and you are not permitted to prohibit local laws by using the Service (including but not limited to copyright laws).


You must not spread any worms, viruses, or other disruptive code.


Your Services will be immediately terminated if any Terms are broken or violated.


2.        Sending SMS or text

All of our registered customers were eligible to receive commercial and marketing messages from RISE IN CITY.


3.        Errors, omission, and commission

On exceptional cases, content on our webpage or in the Service may have clerical or other flaws, omissions, or inconsistencies that may pertain to product descriptions, costs, special offers, promotions, transit times, and availability. Without prior notice, we retain the right to change or update information, cancel orders, and/or fix any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in any part of the Service or on any other similar website (including order made is submitted).

Except as required by law, we make no promise to update, modify, or clarify any information in the Service or on any associated website, including without any restricted price quotations.  It should not be assumed that all of the information in the Service or on any similar website has been updated or amended because there is no explicit update or refresh date applied.
